Lesson 1: Getting Started With FORM Premium
Welcome to FORM Premium!
This lesson will show you in depth how to:
- read the display for guided workout instructions
- get your first swim in the bag
- understand your HeadCoach™ feedback
Step 1: Understand the display
When swimming a workout, the goggles display is split into three sections:
- at the top: you will see time, and heart rate (if available)
- in the middle: you will see the workout instructions
- at the bottom: you will see one or more metrics which can be customized in the app.
Example swim screen
Example turn screen
Example rest screen
What you see in each section will depend on whether you are swimming, turning or resting at the time, as well as which metrics you have chosen to see on the screen. The configuration of these screens is called a dashboard and you can learn more about customizing yours here: Choosing your dashboards and metrics.
Step 2: Complete your first swim
All new users will have a guided workout pre-loaded to their goggles. This workout is made to get you used to the goggles and the display instructions.
- At the pool, turn on your goggles by holding down the FRONT button for a few seconds until you see the FORM logo.
- Navigate to Workouts using the REAR button.
- Select using the FRONT button then use the FRONT and REAR buttons to select the right pool size.
- Press FRONT to start the swim and follow the instructions. You can see more about the instructions here: Understanding the workout instructions in the goggles.
- At the end of the guided workout, you can choose to keep swimming, or end the session.
- Turn off your goggles by holding down the FRONT button for a few seconds.
- To sync the swim to the app, open the app on your phone with your goggles nearby.
Step 3: Read your HeadCoach™ feedback
HeadCoach™ is your coach and uses many data points to provide analysis and recommendations for you to improve your swimming.
The first step to receiving personalized recommendations is to sync at least 1000 m/yds of pool swimming to the app (whether in one or multiple sessions cumulatively) so that HeadCoach™ can process your data.
HeadCoach™ shows up in different areas and you can see more information here: What is HeadCoach™?
Next up: Lesson 2: Intro to Guided Workouts