Swimming a guided workout
You can see more about what the instructions you'll see in the goggles mean here.
Types of Sets
Workouts have as few as three sets, with a warm-up, main set, and warm-down, or as many as six, adding in a drill set, pre-set, and post-set. As you begin each set, there is a cue that informs you which set you are about to begin, as well as an overview of the set.
Warm-Up - is a set that is focused on preparing the swimmer for the entire workout. Warm-up sets can vary in length and intensity, based on the structure of the whole workout.
Drill - A drill set is a specific type of set that is focused on technique. Drills are intended to help improve stroke technique as part of skill development. Drill sets can incorporate more than one drill at a time and can vary in length and intensity. Drill sets can also be done with equipment such as fins or a snorkel to aid the swimmer in performing the required drill, however this is not a requirement.
Pre- & Post-Sets – Pre- and post-sets are supplementary to main sets, providing additional focus on the workout’s intent. These sets can include equipment, pulling, and kicking, often to prepare for or reinforce the focus of the main set.
Main Set - The main set in a workout is its main focus. The main set can vary in length and intensity and could have a range of different pieces of equipment, rounds, intervals, pulling, and kicking.
Warm-Down - Warm-Down is a set that is focused on the recovery of the body after the main portion of the workout. Warm-down sets can vary in the amount of length and intensity, based on the structure of the whole workout.
Customizing Your Workout
Although we generally recommend sticking to the instructions in the workout, you can customize the workout on the fly:
Skipping and repeating intervals - you can skip or repeat intervals by pressing the front button during your workout then navigating to skip or repeat. The display will show the upcoming interval based on your selection. This is great for those times when you're running short on time, or when you feel you could swim a bit longer! Note: you cannot skip or repeat an interval on the workout's first or last intervals.
Keep swimming - at the end of the workout, you have the option to end your workout as planned, or to keep swimming. If you select to keep swimming, the display will switch to your regular pool swim dashboard. When you are done, save and quit the swim. The swim session will sync to your goggles as one continuous session.
Stroke type - the stroke indicated in the instructions is the recommended stroke type but if you do a different stroke type, the goggles will record that accurately and continue with the workout (e.g. if the instructions indicate to swim freestyle for this set, you can instead swim breaststroke)
Rest length - the indicated time for rest is the recommended length but, if you wish, you can start swimming before you see the word 'go!' or you can rest as long as you need after the 'go!' has appeared on the screen